Pastor Rick Robinson and Pastor Kim Robinson are the Senior pastors of KICKS. Pastor Rick was ordained by Dr. Lester Sumrall and Pastor Kim was ordained by his son, Pastor Stephen Sumrall. Their passion is to reach and inspire people through creative and performing arts, through KICKS media outreaches, and is evident as they equip individuals through the church.
Their inspiration to preach the Gospel through film and television is seen through all KICKS faith based productions. Their media ministry is acclaimed through the quality media outreaches of KICKS. They carry the vision of KICKS to produce Christian faith based family entertainment. Pastor Rick is Executive Producer, audio technician, puppeteer, and Senior Pastor. Pastor Kim is scriptwriter, director, producer, author, Senior Pastor, and the writer of KICKS Music.
As the founders and visionaries of KICKS, their passion is for others to know Jesus, experience His blessing, and embrace the word of God. They inspire others to live by faith and love God. They have a passion for all to experience God’s goodness, be all that they can be, and live un-compromised while creatively reaching others for Christ.
Visit KICKS Ministries & Victory Harvest Church for more information.