Diego Sails Around the World - A Young Artist Book, KICKS Books, Memory Memory Game – Diego Sails Around the World March 2, 2018KICKS TV
Camp New Short Stories, Camp New: Dollar Days | KICKS Flicks Movie - On DVD & Digital, Games, KICKS Books, Memory, Our Faith & God's Faithfulness Memory Game – Our Faith & God’s Faithfulness February 23, 2018KICKS TV
Games, KICKS Books, Marbles - A Young Artist Book, Memory Memory Game – Marbles February 7, 2018KICKS TV
Camp New Short Stories, Camp New: Dollar Days | KICKS Flicks Movie - On DVD & Digital, Games, KICKS Books, Memory, Our Life & Gods Love Memory Game – Our Life & God’s Love February 5, 2018KICKS TV
Camp New Short Stories, Games, KICKS Books, Memory, Our Purpose & God's Plan Memory Game – Our Purpose & God’s Plan January 20, 2018KICKS TV
Games, If You Were A Stripe - A Young Artist Book, Memory Memory Game – If You Were A Stripe January 7, 2018KICKS TV
All Things New, Camp New: Dollar Days | KICKS Flicks Movie - On DVD & Digital, Games, Memory Memory Game – Camp New: Dollar Days September 28, 2017KICKS TV
All Things New, Camp New: Act One | KICKS Flicks Movie - On DVD & Digital, Camp New: Act One Novel Available on Amazon Kindle | KICKS Books, Games, Memory Memory Game – Camp New: Act One September 20, 2017KICKS TV
All Things New, Camp New: Humble Pie | KICKS Flicks Movie - On DVD & Digital, Camp New: Humble Pie Novel Available on Amazon Kindle | KICKS Books, Games, Memory Memory Game – Camp New: Humble Pie June 1, 2017KICKS TV
Games, Hippity Hoppity Henry Hunglebee, Memory Memory Game – Hippity Hoppity Henry Hunglebee May 4, 2017KICKS Books