DIY Super Easy Denim Patch!
Not only does this super easy DIY look cool, but it’s also functional – that hole or stain you have on your favorite jacket, shirt, or jeans.. cover it with this! Recycled and reused denim patches to the rescue!
What you’ll need:
denim (or any fabric) scrap (great use for the cutoffs from the shorts you wore all summer!)
ruler or tape measure
something to mark (chalk, pencil, etc.)
safety pins/decorative pins
What you do:
1. Measure and cut the fabric into any shape of any size you’d like (just make sure it’s not so big/heavy it can’t be attached). We made ours a square. We wanted it to look a little frayed so on one of the sides, we tore our fabric instead of cutting. To do this, snip a very small piece where you want to tear, and then tear the rest. Easy peasy!
2. Attach and wear!
Extra: you can have fun and paint your patch, stitch fun designs on it, or rough it up a bit more by sand paper, pulling the fray, or washing. Let us know how you’re wearing us and tag your social media posts with #kickscraft so we can see, or send us an email to info[at]!
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